Saturday, January 3, 2009

update lols

Rawr my blog has been dead for centuries...lots of events went by w/o me even up dating lols...danzation, camp, pw meetings yada yada yada... u get the picture so I’ll start wif Danzation

Wooo danzation...what else to say except for the face that it was D.O.P.E... 1 week of jsut pure dancing w/o any other thing and now it all seems like a dream to me... haix to bad I’m leaving NP next year I really wanna be wif the NRA family...

Then there was the camp...ermmm...cannot state much details here for personal reasons... XD yeah but it was dope and I like the amazing race and the DIY bbq...

Next up,... hmms now it sorta gets a little buggy but I think this is the last time I’ve said it coz I’ve cut off all connections wif “her” if u know what I mean...everything phone msn lols . (guys if u dun understand me plz bear wif my rambling) I just cannot stand the way she does things and I hate being indecisive. Throughout these past 6 mths I dunno if she has the 6th sense or smthing but she like always comes in in the critical moments in my life. And for those hu understand recently when she came in the situation was ALMOST like the love segment in danzation rawr yeah wif the overseas thing and all for those hu dun understand u can get a clear picture from the danzation vid but I doubt the full version is online yet.

Then on to pw .... wow my last year le last pws and everthing hahas stressed but at the same time glad I noe its not the end of pws but sometings the requirements are just absurd for some. I really gotta thank my grp mates as they care the coolest grp of ppl I’ve met and they are all damn understanding (we are all guys ^^)

Yeah just had pot luck in sch today wif the leo ppl. Lols played catching and throwing flour around like no one’s business I think the auntie will scold tmr or mon lols . well tats all for my ramblings today. cyas

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