On the brighter side of things i went home early today 3.45pm, WHOOPIE!! (considering the fact i always reach home at 10-11 pm) and was just looking at another photoshoped photo Tricia sent me. Lols it was taken with the scream mask i brought to LCH

Lols a very though provoking picture. Was looking through my old photos when i found this(taken during stagewerkz preparation). Don't worry, its only a mike's shadow.

Cool and a leo fusion camp mass photo. Was in the back jumping. But hmm who was that beside me? Can the person please own up? lols
Anyway since motion radio is over. i'll just try to do it there (lols a motion blog, blogging in action). Since theres nothing interesting in the break dancing world so far, I'll be talking bout manga (sorry Qing FU for stealing you topic...). Nah not the spoilers and stuff, just the releases for the day bout the stuff that i read.