Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Argh the powers of procrastination!

Damn you almighty powers of procrastination! not just in my blog but my assignments as well. Just finished my portfolio which is worth 50%. Damn this is the first time I've ever hit a writers block that big. As in i'm perfectly fine with just coming up with creative ideas but then the part that kills me is researching for information to back it up. hiax i now see advertising copywriters in a new light and can now relate to what my lecturer is trying to say. Anyway heres a quick update of what i've been up to since i last blogged.

 04052012 (fri)
I finally mangaed to meet up with Fadila, she was my classmate for direct marketing and a Singaporean as well.  Well we were initially supposed to meet up for lunch and then go for a hip-hop open class at Mad Dance House but she had a game the day after and as she had aches after the last time we went to MDH she decided to give it a miss, so in the end we ended up shopping, i bought a new cross stitching hoop which is wayyyy bigger than my last 1 hahas so excited. Anyway while watching Fadila pick out dresses and stuff, i suddenly realised just how many different types of clothings there are in a women's dress show and apparently dark blue seems to be the in colour right now. As once i left the shop there seemed to be a number of girls wearing dark blue dresses with different cuttings. well so i pretty much spent the whole day with Fadila and bought bangers and mash from MYERS centre on the way home, but damn they were disgusting.

05052012 (Sat)
Saturday was a freaking awesome day as I finally got to watch Avengers with Simon and James Chew. hahas the funniest part of the movie was when the Hulk punched Thor out of the screen after they took down the giant mutated turtle.

Well after the movie we went to the Job fair in the expo but was rather disappointed as its mostly about education and stuff with the various universities there, well James kinda sorta learned to drive a digger of some sorts hahas.

We then walked around the buddist festival at south bank and ended up eating the samples that they offered. LOLS Simon has damn thick skin, he kept going back to the same store for samples until the girl offered him  the whole bowl.

Dinner was rather interesting as i had dinner with Dexter and  Sheryanne with 3 other of her friends. and only one word was used to describe it "Awkward" as Dexter totally rambled on and on about how bad his house mates were and what he did to get back at them. the exact content of the conversation will not be mentioned here but u can ask me if you happen to see me. I was like "damn is this the kinda person I've been hanging out with for the last semester??". Alright this blog is not really to bitch about people so I've move on to the next topic.

Oh yeah dinner was at this place called the Greek Tavern which serves (you guessed it) Greek food (here have a cookie). well maybe its just me but I totally do not get their style of dinning with the salad and stuff (not a big fan of salads, the only time I get a salad is so that I can put it in a corner and laugh at it) but i have to admit that the lamb was to-die-for as in the meat was so tender that when i pulled it apart gently with my fork and knife it just gave way (EPIC!). and the taste, so full of flavour, the juice just bursting out with each bite. So i guess unless you have a very small appetite or maybe you just wanna try the lamb u can go to the Greek Tavern which is at west end.

06052012 onwards
well to be honest lots of things have happened but i cannot for the life of it remember what happened.
Oh yeah i got Diablo 3 as well so if you wanna add me you can add me via my email toon_world01@hotmail.com or my battle tag which i might post up later coz i'll just to darn lazy to log in to check.

Weight watchers
Alright back to this segment, well truth be told I've not been very discipline in going to the gym daily i seems that my body wants to get 7 hrs of slp no matter what even  if i sleep early or late, so i end up overslping. As of now my weight is still the same but i noticed that my arms are getting bigger (no its not coz of the fats). I guess its coz of all the arm intensive workouts that i do. well hope to get motivated soon and i'm currently so tired of typing as i just typed a ton or stuff for my assignment so i'mma gonna go catch some ZZZZZs soon. Till next time 

-Peace out   

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