Anddd I'm back, it seems that whenever I've got assignments to do everything else seems super desirable. Maybe I can use it as a motivational tool for me to go to the gym lols. Ever since my follow up programming session although i lost like 4 kg i lost 500 grams of muscle. So i was asked to eat more meat, snack pack at woolies here i come!
Oh yeah I've just gotten the email for my Spanish class and its all systems go, except for the small little problem that my laptop has some trouble installing a mic. Well if it all goes well I'll be adding Spanish to the list of languages that i can speak. But i guess before i go back to Singapore i wanna learn Korean and Japanese as well. How cool would it be to be multilingual. Well since Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world besides English. Well all this is possible thanks to NS with the credits they provide you to learn a new skill before you enter the work force.
Diablo 3
oh yeah before i almost forget, i ordered a copy of Diablo 3 with Simon @ 65 bucks each. hahas once may 15 comes its bye bye social life (not that i have any right now). Come to think of it on the 15th of may if you notice a sudden shortage of guys around the streets this is probable the reason. Its soon gonna be a boob-fest at the clubs hahas
Something else
Since so much has happened in the 2 years that i was MIA I've got loads to talk about so i'll prolly just sneak in a little here and there whenever i remember it. As I've said before this blog is more for me to look back in the past and remember the mistakes I've made and lessons I've learnt so as to move on.
Well one thing that I've learnt about myself is that i am not a very tolerable person when it comes to regimentation and discipline. especially if you were the one handling the paper work for everyone in your unit which comprises of 5 Companies 16 platoons and god knows how many sections (bout 3-4 sections per platoon). well thank god most of them are well behaved with the occasional misconduct. Nothing big it can probably be settled in about an hour. But the messed up people are the "regular customers" we've got this fellow who got court martial-ed about 3-4 times and he's still not repentant WTF rite? and a few others who are either uncontactable when you wanna update their ORD dates and stuff. i feel that stuff like SOL and extra duties are not really effective as they strut around the unit like the own the place. So well with a shitload of work comes well somewhat an under-the-table crap load of power. As its usually the CSMs that decide the punishment but as you know they've got a ton of work to handle they can't handle everything so I'm usually the go-to man for such problems. and that means i well pretty much have a say as to what punishment is recommended. Well.... i can't really same more as i guess what happens next is classified and stuff.
So i guess thats it for me at the moment. Oh yeah i'm thinking of adding a weight monitoring section just to keep myself motivated (god knows i need all the help i can get). So till next time then.
-Peace out